DALTON & COMPANY, INC. Health & Medicare Insurance Specialists
DALTON & COMPANY, INC.Health & Medicare Insurance Specialists

Health Insurance


We provide consulting services to individuals and small business groups in compliance with The Affordable Care Act or ACA, commonly referred to as “Obamacare”. As the rules and regulations are changing what seems to be a daily basis, please just contact us direct for an evaluation providing you with options available as of the latest government released


Our services include shopping the Public Marketplaces or Exchanges, assisting with plan design, provider networks, subsidy calculations and benefits. We also can facilitate coverage’s not included with the ACA such as dental, vision, life, long-short term care, disability and critical illness.



Dalton & Company, Inc







Business Hours
Mon-Thur 9-4
Fri 9-1

Appointments available 7 days a week!

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